Friday 17 February 2017

Braided Chain Stitch!

Braided Chain Stitch!
   This stitch is another variation of regular Chain Stitch. We can use this Stitch for borders, curves, straight lines.

Things required are:
Wooden / Plastic frame
Bring the needle from down, and make a straight or running stitch. Leaving some space take the needle from down and put it in the loop of the running stitch. As we did in Heavy Chain Stitch. Your first chain will be formed. Again leaving some space, take the needle from down and put it in the same loop of the running stitch, but this time, keep your thread little loose and put it in same point where you have started the stitch.
     Again leaving some space take the needle from down and put it in the first chain and pull the thread tight, and take the needle out.
    While continuing, take the needle from down, leaving some space, put the needle to the chain of the previous stitch.
For further assistance watch my video and subscribe to my YouTube channel:
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Thank you! 