Friday 6 April 2018

Round Mirror Work

Round Mirror Work
One of the easy mirror work is Round Mirror Stitch, which even begginer's can try.

I always use chain stitch in round mirror work, as this gives simple and neat look. Without glue or Fevicol, you can stitch the mirror work.

Things required are:
Mirror - Small / Medium / Big
Cloth / Fabric
Threads - Any colour Anchor threads


# Place the mirror, where you need to stitch. Draw an outline placing the mirror.
Make sure, outline is slightly bigger than the mirror.

# Use running stitch for Outline.

# In the running stitch, create loops....take the needle outside to inside as shown in the fig.
# Which will look like a flower.

# Place the round mirror, in the centre, hold the mirror with your left hand thumb.
Press it in the centre of the mirror tightly.
Pull the thread from the other hand.
# Pull the thread well. It will get fixed well.
Start with Chain stitch.

You can even use, Blanket stitch, Lasy daisy Stitch to decorate your mirror work.
Pl. do try and provide your comments.
Thank you!